The Impact of Poor Customer Service Repeats on Brands Worldwide
June 15, 2023

Joe Testa

Chief Experience Officer (CXO)

Did you know that repetitive customer service interactions can have a significant impact on a brand’s success and reputation? Explore how poor customer service repeats affect service metrics and brand performance. 📉


When customers have to repeat information or encounter persistent issues, their satisfaction levels decline, and they may start considering alternative options. Moreover, service metrics like average handling time and first contact resolution rate can suffer, reflecting inefficiencies in customer service operations. 📊 

Negative word-of-mouth is another consequence


Damaging the brand’s reputation and deterring potential customers. 💔


But fear not! By addressing these issues promptly and providing exceptional customer experiences, brands can safeguard their reputation, foster loyalty, and avoid revenue losses. 🚀

The quality of customer service has a direct correlation with a brand’s success.


In the fiercely competitive business landscape, the quality of customer service has a direct correlation with a brand’s success. However, when brands fail to provide satisfactory customer service experiences, it often leads to customers having to repeat their information, causing frustration and dissatisfaction.


We will explore the repercussions of poor customer service repeats on brands and how it impacts service metrics. We will rely on data and references to highlight the adverse effects that repetitive interactions have on customer service and brand reputation.

The Consequences of Poor Customer Service Repeats:


When customers repeatedly have to provide the same information or encounter persistent issues, it diminishes their overall experience and negatively impacts the brand’s performance. Let’s delve into how poor customer service repeats can affect both service metrics and the brands that serve their customers.

Bad Service

Decreased Customer Satisfaction:

Repeatedly having to provide information or experiencing persistent issues erodes customer satisfaction levels. According to a study by Accenture, 91% of customers are more likely to leave a brand due to poor service experiences. When customers feel their time is wasted by repeating information, their perception of the brand deteriorates, making them more likely to seek alternatives.

Lower Service Metrics:

Repeated interactions due to poor customer service can lead to a decline in critical service metrics. Metrics such as average handling time, first contact resolution rate, and customer effort score are adversely affected when customers are forced to engage in repetitive conversations. These metrics serve as indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service operations, and their decline can harm the brand’s reputation and customer loyalty.

Poor Service

Negative Word-of-Mouth and Damaged Reputation:

Customers who endure poor customer service repeats are more likely to share their negative experiences with others. According to a Nielsen study, dissatisfied customers are twice as likely to share their negative experiences compared to those who had a positive experience. Negative word-of-mouth can spread rapidly through social media and review platforms, damaging the brand’s reputation and deterring potential customers from engaging with the brand.


Studies & References:

A study by NewVoiceMedia revealed that U.S. companies lose approximately $75 billion each year due to poor customer service.

Billion $ In Losses


Customers Leaving To Competition

According to a survey by Dimensional Research, 44% of customers took their business to a competitor after experiencing poor customer service.

A study conducted by American Express found that customers are willing to spend 17% more with companies that provide excellent customer service, highlighting the positive impact of quality service on customer spending.


Willing To Spend More


We’ve Tackled This Problem!

As an example, The average handle time for “Where Is My Order” inquiries has at least doubled in the past few years, as a result of the growing complexity of fulfillment strategies and agents’ need to navigate multiple systems and workflows to fulfill a seemingly straightforward customer request.

Learn How We Do It!


OpenMethods provides a centralized view of all relevant customer data in your CRM! The agent has immediate access to accurate information to address inquiries such as “Where is my order?


Poor customer service repeats have far-reaching implications for brands, affecting customer satisfaction, service metrics, and overall brand reputation.

Brands that fail to provide efficient and personalized service risk losing customers, damaging their reputation, and missing out on potential revenue.


It is crucial for brands to invest in strategies that eliminate the need for customers to repeat information and proactively address service issues.


By prioritizing customer-centric service, brands can improve customer satisfaction, build loyalty, and safeguard their reputation in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

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