A Unified Agent Experience

Your Omnichannel solution is missing something – a single agent experience where chat, email, social, and phone interactions can be managed.

Features that Streamline Agent Effort

Results you can track.

The results speak for themselves. Our clients who use Harmony as part of their CX tech stack boast more seamless customer interactions and more efficient agent handling.

Blend digital interactions such as email and chat into your existing ACD to create a universal composite queue. Unify communications while leveraging your existing investment in intelligent routing, workforce management and reporting.

Blend digital interactions such as email and chat into your existing ACD to create a universal composite queue. Unify communications while leveraging your existing investment in intelligent routing, workforce management and reporting.

Omnichannel is about knowing who your customer is and the context of their interaction across channels. Harmony enables contact centers to provide their customers to get a consistent, personalized, and repeat-free experience across all channels.

Plug and Play Integrations

Maximize the investment of your current workforce management and ACD platforms by integrating Harmony as the connector between the two. We’ve already built adapters for the top ACD platforms, so your cost to implement is minimal but your ROI is substantial.

Part of the OpenMethods Suite

Harmony works great as a stand-alone product in your CX tech stack. And you can skyrocket your ROI by partnering it with PopFlow.

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